Team Panda 7th/8th

Angry Panda

 Panda Information

Students need notebook paper & pens/pencils for each of their core classes. Please check with your student to make sure he/she has adequate school supplies.

  Panda Policies 


Cell Phones- Power down and PUT AWAY.

Food and Drink- You are allowed to have bottled water out during class time.  Snacks are allowed so long as they do not become a distraction or create a mess.  EXCEPT: snacks are not allowed in science on lab days. NO GUM OR FOOD IN THE GYM. Any snack containing NUTS, Tree Nuts, SHELLFISH, raspberries, melon and mango must remain in your backpack until lunch.

Me Time

  • You must ask a teacher ahead of time to sign your pass to travel during to another teacher on building travel days.
  • You must stay in that class for the duration of Me Time

