Rita YoKell
I was born in Baltimore, Maryland but I grew up in Hawaii and loved every minute of it. It was a wonderful learning experience. I was able to be a part of many different cultures in the biggest melting pot of the United States. I carry the knowledge and belief that it is indeed a great country that we live in. If you visit my classroom, you will see that I've brought a little of the "Aloha" spirit to share with my students.
This will be my 29th year of teaching. I taught 2 years in Hawaii, 1 year in Maryland and this is my 26th year in Colorado with Douglas County School District. I have been at Mesa since it opened in 2008 so this will be my 17th year. Through my teaching career, I have taught many subjects including history, science, language arts, health & wellness, and computer technology. I have always had a passion for history and geography. I love learning about people and places.
I live in Golden with my husband and our dog, Sam. We live in our mountain home with 11.5 acres of forest. My daughter lives in Texas, and my son lives in Kansas City. My two stepdaughters live in Denver.
I enjoy reading, cooking, rafting, hiking and skiing with my husband as well as spending quality time with my family. I also like to play MahJongg with several of my girlfriends. I love to travel and learn about new places. Most of my travels have been across the United States visiting historical locations. My other travels have lead me to Germany, France, Belgium and Luxembourg. I have also been to Puerto Rico, the British Virgin Islands, Cozumel, Mexico and the American Virgin Islands. October 2023, my husband and I went to Greece. I hope to share those experiences and many others with you.
I can be reached at rkyokell@dcsdk12.org.
Course Description
Individuals & Societies (Social Studies)
The Individuals and Societies (formally Humanities) program at Mesa Middle School encourages learners to respect and understand the world around them and equips them with the necessary skills to inquire into historical, contemporary, geographical, political, social, economic, and cultural factors that have an impact on individuals, societies, and environments. It encourages learners, both students and teachers, to consider local and global contexts with the aim of providing students with the skills of lifelong learners to participate in a democratic, as well as global, society. Students will develop intercultural awareness, as well as respect and understanding of the world around them. Students will be given opportunities to fully realize their potential as an IB learner; thus expanding on the qualities described by the IB Learner Profile.
Course Description
The seventh grade Individuals and Societies curriculum lends itself to engaging students intellectually, personally, emotionally, and socially. The inquiry approach to learning is used to help students understand both current events and issues facing their local, national, and global communities. International mindedness, a concept emphasized during 7th grade, is embraced by the Individuals and Societies curriculum. The IB Middle Years Program, of the IB Curriculum, fundamental concepts of holistic learning, communication and intercultural awareness are central to the 7th grade Individuals and Societies classroom. Topics of study include: regions of the Eastern Hemisphere, Geography terminology and skills, Economics and Civics.
Colorado Content Standards
- Investigate and evaluate primary and secondary sources from multiple diverse perspectives about United States history from the American Revolution through Reconstruction to formulate and defend claims with textual evidence and logical reasoning.
- Develop a contextual understanding of the historical eras, individuals, groups, ideas and themes from the origins of the American Revolution through Reconstruction.
- Use geographic tools to research and analyze patterns in human and physical systems in the United States.
- Recognize the impact of the competition for control of land and resources in early American history.
- Investigate how economic freedom, including free trade, was important for economic growth in early American history.
- Construct an understanding of the changing definition of citizenship and the expansion of rights of citizens in the United States.
- Investigate and evaluate the purpose and place of rule of law in a constitutional system.
Personal Financial Literacy
- Examine the role of consumer decisions and taxes within the market economies of early American history.
Disciplinary Skills
- Analyze and evaluate primary and secondary sources
- Develop topic-specific literacy skills
- Refine content-area research skills
- Make inferences and defend an argument with evidence
- Understand future roles and responsibilities of civic duty
Essential Questions to be Explored
- What are the intellectual habits and skills of a good historian?
- Can and should historians be completely impartial and objective?
- How do different factors influence the relationships and identities of a community?
- What circumstances encourage people to challenge power and authority?
- Why do governments use trade and exchange to control its citizenry? What are the benefits and challenges of trade?
- Is propaganda an ethical way of influencing people?
- How have the basic values and principles of democracy changed over time? In what ways have they been preserved?
- How do we explain the connection between choices and perspectives?
- How are different cultures valued?
Units of Study
- Tools of History – timelines, source analysis (primary v. secondary), historical thinking, cause and effect, systems of dates and centuries
- Review of Colonial Period – mapping, economic and religious differences, transatlantic trade of enslaved humans, mercantilism
- The American Revolution – French & Indian War, tyranny of economic and political interference, loyalists vs. patriots, major battles, key players, civilian contributions, Declaration of Independence, role of allies
- The Constitution and Principles of Government – Articles of Confederation, Branches of government, compromises, checks and balances, Bill of Rights, modern Supreme Court, citizenship
- Westward Expansion – Lewis & Clark, War of 1812, Manifest Destiny, Mexican American War, Industrialization, Trail of Tears, Gold Rush, Women's movement
- The Civil War – abolition, sectionalism, slavery, major battles and players, impact on civilians, Gettysburg Address, emancipation, Surrender, assassination of Lincoln
Grading Guidelines
Content Knowledge grades will be entered once every three weeks. There are four IB Criterion for Individuals and Societies. Each criterion will be assessed twice a semester. Each strand under the criterion will be assessed twice a year.
Criterion A: 1 Knowing and |
8 7 |
6 5 |
4 3 |
2 1 |
The student uses a range of Humanities terminology accurately and appropriately. |
The student accurately uses Humanities terminology connected to the topic. T |
The student uses some Humanities terminology appropriately. |
The student makes a limited attempt to use some terminology connected to the topic. |
Criterion A: 2 Knowing and |
8 7 |
6 5 |
4 3 |
2 1 |
The student demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through thorough descriptions, explanations and examples. |
The student demonstrates good knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through descriptions, explanations and examples. |
The student demonstrates knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through simple descriptions, explanations or examples. |
The student demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of content and concepts with some descriptions and/or examples . . |
Criterion B: 1 Investigating |
8 7 |
6 5 |
4 3 |
2 1 |
The student formulates a clear and focused research question. |
The student formulates a clear research question. |
The student formulates an adequate research question. |
The student formulates a very general research question. |
Criterion B: 2 Investigating |
8 7 |
6 5 |
4 3 |
2 1 |
The student creates and follows a detailed action plan to effectively investigate a research question. |
The student satisfactory follows an action plan to investigate a research question. |
The student partially follows an action plan to investigate a research question. |
The student makes a limited attempt to follow an action plan to investigate a question. |
Criterion B: 3 Investigating |
8 7 |
6 5 |
4 3 |
2 1 |
The student uses methods accurately to collect and record appropriate and varied information. |
The student uses methods to collect and record appropriate information. |
The student uses a method or methods to collect and record some information. |
The student collects and records limited information. |
Criterion B: 4 Investigating |
8 7 |
6 5 |
4 3 |
2 1 |
The student’s investigation is in line with the research question and effectively addresses the research question. |
The student’s investigation is in line with the research question and satisfactorily addresses the research question. |
The student’s investigation is in line with the research question and partially addresses the research question. |
The student’s investigation is not always in line with the research question, and makes a limited attempt to address the research question. |
Criterion C: 1 Communicating |
8 7 |
6 5 |
4 3 |
2 1 |
The student communicates information and ideas in a style that is completely appropriate to the audience and purpose. |
The student communicates information and ideas in a style that is often appropriate to the audience and purpose. |
The student communicates information and ideas in a style that is sometimes appropriate to the audience and purpose. |
The student tries in a limited way to communicate information and ideas in a style that is appropriate to the audience and purpose. |
Criterion C: 2 Communicating |
8 7 |
6 5 |
4 3 |
2 1 |
The student structures information and ideas completely according to the task instructions. |
The student structures information often according to the task instructions. |
The student structures information sometimes according to the task instructions. according to the task instructions. |
The student tries in a limited way to structures information according to the task instructions. |
Criterion C: 3 Communicating |
8 7 |
6 5 |
4 3 |
2 1 |
The student creates a list of source information according to the task instructions. |
The student creates a list of source information often according to the task instructions. |
The student creates a list of source information sometimes according to the task instructions. |
The student tries in a limited way to create a list of source information according to the task instructions. |
Criterion D: 1 Thinking Critically |
8 7 |
6 5 |
4 3 |
2 1 |
The student completes a detailed analysis of concepts, events, issues, models, or arguments. |
The student completes a satisfactory analysis of concepts, events, issues, models, or arguments. |
The student completes a simple analysis of concepts, events, issues, models, or arguments. |
The student makes a limited attempt to analyze concepts, events, issues, models, or arguments. |
Criterion D: 2 Thinking Critically |
8 7 |
6 5 |
4 3 |
2 1 |
The student effectively makes connections between information to make accurate, well-supported arguments. |
The student effectively makes connections between information to make accurate arguments. |
The student effectively makes connections between information to make simple arguments. |
The student effectively makes connections between information in a limited attempt to make simple arguments. |
Criterion D: 3 Thinking Critically |
8 7 |
6 5 |
4 3 |
2 1 |
The student effectively analyzes and evaluates a range of sources in terms of origin and purpose recognizing values and limitations. |
The student completes a satisfactory analysis of concepts, events, issues, models, or arguments. |
The student completes a simple analysis of concepts, events, issues, models, or arguments. |
The student makes a limited attempt to analyze concepts, events, issues, models, or arguments. |
Criterion D: 4 Thinking Critically |
8 7 |
6 5 |
4 3 |
2 1 |
The student clearly recognizes a range of different perspectives and their implications. |
The student recognizes different perspectives and their implications.. |
The student identifies different perspectives and suggests some of their implications. a |
The student identifies different perspectives. |