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Eric Craig


Welcome to Team Atlas SCIENCE!

This is my 14th year teaching Science here at Mesa and I am excited to be starting my 18th year of teaching over all. I am a Colorado Native (Littleton) and attended The University of New Mexico earning my BS is Biology with an emphasis on Zoology (I also played Soccer at the college level). After graduating from UNM I worked several field biology jobs that took me to the Galapagos Islands for two summers. I continued field biology jobs in AZ, NM, and CA before returning to Colorado to work for the Division of Wildlife. I constantly found myself getting "in trouble" for spending too much time talking to hikers, bikers and horseback riders about our work and one day in 104 degree weather in Tucson It hit me that I should be teaching rather than getting in trouble for talking (teaching) instead of working. I then  went back to school at Metro State in Denver to earn my teaching license and here I have been for the past 18 years!

I can be reached at

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