Technology Student Association
TSA Information
- We had an information night August 29th, 2019. At this meeting, several documents were shared:
- TSA Info Slide Show
- Why Join TSA?
- 2019 Project Summaries with Full Rubric of T-Shirt Competition
- Agenda for In-School Field Trip:
- Introduction of Officers (Again)
- Primary Competition review, and secondary comp. assignment
- Use of OneNote to document
- Intro of LEAP Documentation
- Going over competitions with each team with a fine tooth comb
- Certifying on Danger Box power tools if needed (ex. Catapult & SeaPearch).
- Kasper running to store to buy supplies in real time.
- Work Time
- We are looking at doing one more "In-School" field trip on Jan. 22th,
- an Optional Saturday session right before the State Competition on Feb. 8,
- and optional Thursday work time every Thursday starting Jan. 9th, 2020.
- The state competition is Feb. 20-22 (Thursday, Friday, Saturday).
- This includes:
- Registration
- Lodging (2 nights)
- Food (Dinner Thurs., all 3 meals Friday, breakfast on Saturday)
- Bus transportation to the event
- To get hard #'s of how many are attending, we are asking that parents make a minimum $50 payment by January 16 with the rest due by January 27. We have to have payment to TSA by Jan. 30.
- Please let us know if there are circumstances that do not allow for this and we will find a solution. Please reach out to INTERNAL LINK Shawn Muir.
- We are still waiting on district approval for the field trip. Once approved, we will receive overnite pw from District to hand out.
- 2 Parent Meetings: 1/15 @ 5:30, and 1/21 at 3:30 for the field trip.
- Early Submissions are due 1/21. Some projects are early submission such as Video Game Design. Students should know if they are early submission. Video Game Design and Robotics are both early submission but are not the only ones.
- We are in need of a female parent volunteer to help out. This person would lodge with Mrs. Anderson at no cost.
- If a parent could help with food logistics, that would be wonderful since MMS has to provide all food on the field trip. We would have a sink, small fridge and kitchen counter space.
- We have created several options for students:
- Every Thursday, Mrs. Anderson & Mr. Kasper will be in Mr. Kasper's room to get students the help they need starting at 3pm.
- Students will meet every other Thursday during ME Time to make sure we are on track.
- Some students have elected to stay in Mr. Kasper's I&D class for time with TSA
- In-School field trip on Jan. 22nd
- Saturday Final Comp. prep., Feb. 8th.
- Other options...? We have several solutions that are custom for the students involved.
- Only 1 form requires a doctor's signature. You are welcome to bring completed/partially completed paperwork to the meeting or fill out after the meeting.
- You are welcome to return the documents with an electronic signature as well (traditional signature is required- not just typed in).
- A parent volunteer form is included for the 2 parents who have graciously gifted their valuable time.
- Jan. 30- All hands on deck ME Time meeting & Thursday PM work time
- Make students aware of Saturday Work Time on Jan. 8th @ MMS 8 am to 1 pm. If students are not where they need to be, we would ask that they attend this Saturday Work Day
- Fill out field trip food survey
- Meet with TSA Student Officers to review the final schedule
- Feb. 6th- All hands on deck ME Time meeting & Thursday PM work time.
- Check all projects for status update- if not where they need to be- then come to Saturday, Jan. 8th work time.
- TSA Student Officer Leadership planning for leadership roles at TSA
- Feb. 8th- Saturday work time for students- 8 am to 1 pm @ MMS.
- Feb 13th- All hands on deck ME Time meeting & Thursday PM work time.
- Project status update- help where needed.
- TSA Student Officer Leadership planning for leadership roles at TSA
- Feb. 18th- All projects due. Bring to Mr. Kasper's classroom. Mr. Kasper will stay after school for students who need last minute help.
- Feb. 19th- Bring overnight bags to school. Storage location TBD.
- Feb. 20th- Depart about 9:30. Report to Mr. Kasper's classroom.
- Please join Remind for TSA communications Directions
- For Thursday, Feb. 20:
- Please have your child pack a sack lunch.
- Students come to school as they normally would. Instead of going to their 1st hour class, they will come to Mr. Kasper's class (M206) We will be doing final project checks, etc.
- Our bus will leave at 9:30 am. We start competing as soon as we get to the venue.
- The competition schedule is available, but keeps changing
- Each student will have a personal custom schedule, along with a general schedule of all events.
- Can be downloaded here: TSA uses an app for it's schedule (that is still in flux).App links:
- Downloaded TSA App (APPLE Link
- Downloaded TSA App (ANDRIOD Link
- Please review the parent info meeting slide deck
- Please review the dress code for competitions. Students will not be allowed to compete without proper attire. In reviewing the dress code for boys, it seems a button-up shirt (not a 3 button polo) is required. Short sleeve is fine.
- NO Energy Drinks
- 1 student can bring a gaming console (X-Box, etc.) We are leaving the students to figure that out.
- Important dates:
- Turn in all documentation Portfolios by February 18th
- All overnight supplies/clothes/toiletries due at school the day before departure (Wednesday, the 19th). (***Will be stored in Principal Jackowski's office)
- All projects must be complete by Wednesday the 19th
- Arrange transportation home with friends or family The awards ceremony is expected to get out at 1:30 on Saturday. We will send out Remind updates the day of for logistics. Students can ride home with friends. We just need to see them with a parental unit :).
- As a side note: Your sons and daughters have put in an extraordinary amount of work into these projects. Please let us know if a last minute project emergencies comes up. We will figure out a solution.
9/30/19 E-Mail
Hi Parents, Welcome to TSA. I hope I have all of the parents on this mailing list. I am basing it off of an early interest list that may have inaccuracies. The TSA Officers have been working madly to get data in ready form for students wanting to do TSA. This past week, students have been making competition selections. We are fairly sure of the competitions offered, but we won't know for sure until Colorado TSA releases the 2020 competitions on 10/18. We will address any difficulties that this may introduce at that time. With that being said.... We have officially launched TSA with the students. Students have been browsing the competitions and researching them this past week. Early this coming week, students will make one last final go at competition selections (they have to pick 5 and rate them by interest) and then the officers will places students into their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices. As this is a student organization run by the student officers, the officers have not decided yet how to handle conflicts when there are more people than the competition allows for, i.e. Digital Photography always has more people than slots available. This issue and project selection assignment will be resolved by mid- to end of week. Please talk to your son or daughter and ask them about what they are thinking about project selection. Lindsey Anderson and myself will reach out every week or two with a communication on various goings ons and items to know. Please don't hesitate to let us know of any questions or concerns. Thank you, Lindsey Anderson & Jason Kasper
10/7/19 Email:
Good morning parents, The Student Officers have been hard at work doing a bunch of background work trying to get systems in place for student project rollout. During ME Time on Thursday, students will find out which of their top competition choices they will move forward with. We will do a soft rollout of the competitions by the end of the day Tuesday by sharing the slideshow with the students so they can come to the meeting with questions if needed. Due to this being our first time rolling out TSA at MMS, we are realizing that time may be an issue in getting projects done. To honor our obligation of keeping TSA during the school day, we are going to offer 2 in-school "Field Trip" days where students can work on their projects all day @ MMS. We were thinking one day between Thanksgiving break and winter break and the other day between winter break and February 1. If more time is needed, We will also offer one Saturday right before state competitions in addition to after-school work time after winter break until the state competition (late February). The official dates for State Competitions will not be released until Oct. 18th. Field trip info with follow after this information is released. Thank you, Lindsey Anderson & Jason Kasper
10/31 Email:
Hello on this frigid Thursday morning, We have been getting everything moving into high gear for TSA. Students have all been assigned, with some moving and rearranging, their primary competitions. We are meeting as an entire TSA team every 3rd Thursday during ME Time so students have time to check in with their teammates from other classes starting this Thursday, 10/31. Speaking of meetings, we are shooting for next Thursday (10/7) as an In-School Field Trip where students will be working on TSA Projects. While this is not mandatory, we think that it would be very helpful for students to have a large block of time to make serious progress with the assistance of 2 teachers and officers.
12/20/19 & 30th Email:
Good afternoon parents, We apologize for the late update that was promised sooner about the TSA Field Trip to State Competitions. Far more paperwork was involved than originally thought. The cost for the field trip is going to be $225.
1/12 Email:
Hi Folks, We have a parent informational meeting coming up this Wednesday at 5:30 pm (1/15). We also will have another one Tuesday, 1/21 @ 3:30 pm. To help facilitate your extremely hectic schedules, We have attached the required overnight field trip forms.
Good morning Parents, We will be having our in-school field trip this week. Students with Early Submissions (Video Game, Photography, Comic, & Robotics) will do their FT Tuesday, and all others will do their field trip on Wednesday. Students will be staying until 3rd lunch, then re-joining their regular classes. We plan to cover documentation and provide work time. The documentation is quite detailed and each competition contains nuances specific to that competition. To get a general sense of where students are, we have provided a check list that each student will use to help them keep track of a vast undertaking. This will live in Google Classroom. Students will also receive several other "helper" docs in Google Classroom. The Infinite Campus/My School Bucks online payment is now active. Please have all paperwork turned in as soon as possible. We have hard copies and will gladly send e-copies and accept e-copies of the paperwork. We also will be giving students hard copies of FT paperwork this week as well. Thank you very much, Lindsey Anderson & Jason Kasper
Hi All,
As we are in the final stretch before TSA competitions, we wanted to give you some final dates.
As a side note, it is an honor and privilege to lead these human beings at such an awesome event. Thank you so much for your wonderful support. You have done a wonderful job as their first and best teachers.
Thank you,
Lindsey Anderson & Jason Kasper 2/9
Good morning all,
TSA is just 11 days away. Wow. As we get closer, we wanted to send out a few reminders:
Thank you for your patience, grace, and kindness,
Lindsey Anderson & Jason Kasper