Daily Work Due Dates
Dear Parents,
- Please see below for my daily teaching slides and upcoming due dates.
- My late work policy is that students can turn in anything up to about 3 days before I have to officially turn in grades to the registrar. (MMS is in the process of redoing the homework policy and when these updates come out, I will update my policy accordingly.) I am willing to work with students as much as possible to help them get work turned in. I also tell them that the sooner they approach me, the more willing I am to work with them to find, fix, and up their grade in class. I usually get a big rush of students wanting to fix their grade as the deadline is approached. I remind students that an emergency on their part does not constitute an emergency on my part.
- Students are always welcome to get 1-on-1 help from me as well. If scheduled, I can meet before or after school and during their lunch time.
- I label all documents with unusual pictures to help in identifying which document is which. For example, the last assignment I gave out was labeled, "Pickles and Zombies." This name will also be found in Infinite Campus as well. I have found that this greatly aids in figuring out what grade belongs to what body of work.
- During the in-be-twix of elementary and high school called middle school, students need a lot of modeling of time management and advocacy. I try to bring this up regularly, especially when due dates are approaching. Please have your son or daughter e-mail me if they have any questions or concerns at INTERNAL LINK [email protected]
You are your daughter/son's first and best teacher. Please reach out at anytime to develop teamwork that supports their middle school experience as best as possible. Your gifts of knowledge and insight are very much welcomed.
Thank you for the gift of your daughter/son in our class,